Michael hit the race
prefer the outerspace
Erde Himmel Spaltung
Eier aus der Bodenhaltung
Michael ... where you are
... alles klar jetz bin ich da
cosmonaut trick training center
simulate the future
legal issues helmet hutschnur
when we get start
with cruise machine
my body and i ween
the air was full of fuller
another martin dean
the loops were hard
i think in art
odysseus grosse fahrt
polyphern sirenen
das blut treibt durch die venen
weltich weltall du
technology protects u
liquid gravity water one two free
Michael ... stream your dream
... funky star galaxy cream
surfing on an asteroid
action playing with bad pitt
a piece of art with peace in heart
on greybound lovely moon
roundaround to give the start
we just call it LONELY JUNE
Michael ... your o.k
... step by step away
i'm totally electrifizied
amazing specially surprised
blue ballon in atmosphere
where i am you nothing hear
plus puls plus pulsar
wrighting to andromeda
zero_g_flight schwerelos
day or night or klein or gross
Zigtausend Meilen überm Meer
schwer ist leicht und leicht ist schwer
mir ist die Nähe schon sehr fern
hier oben lebt noch der Jules Verne
Michael by shank's mare
Michael loves the space affair